2024 Grants Workshop
Maryland Judiciary’s 2024 Grants Workshop was a success! We are delighted to have hosted the participants at the Maryland Judicial Center on February 12. This gathering facilitated valuable in-person networking opportunities with court and justice partners. Additionally, it served as a strategic platform for guiding both current and prospective grantees through the grant application process. We extend our sincere appreciation to all attendees.
Please take a few minutes to tell us how you felt about the day by completing this brief evaluation:
Please find the presentations from each session in the links below.
- Court Programs Budget Justifications
- Courts Grant Workshop Presentation
- Goals: Creating Application Goals that will get Funded
- Grant Budget & Finances Tips
- Grant Writing: Top 10 Tips for Writing Grant Applications
- Grant-Funding Decisions Demystified
- Hook, Line, and Sinker: Reeling in Amazing Volunteers
- Legal Services, Alternative Dispute Resolution, & Other Programs
- Leveraging Grant Writing/Reporting to Secure Other Documents
- Maryland Justice Passport
- Setting Program Goals and Justifying New Expenditures
- Telling Your Organization's Story: 10 Tips for Writing Successful Grant Applications
- Tips, Tricks, & Tools for Achieving Success When Working Remotely
- Using Data in Your Grant Applications