If transportation is needed within Cambridge and the surrounding areas, please contact Delmarva Community Transit (DCT) at 410-221-1910, 410-221-1911 or 410-221-1912 or see the DCT schedule found here: https://www.dcsdct.org/transportation--mobility.html
Directions to the Dorchester County Circuit Court
206 High Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
From Baltimore/Annapolis
I-695 towards Key Bridge/Glen Burnie. Take Exit 4 onto Route 97 towards Annapolis/Bay Bridge for 18 miles. Take ramp onto US Route 50 [US 301] towards Annapolis/Bay Bridge and cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Continue on Route 50 East to Cambridge. Turn right onto Maryland Avenue, continue and cross over the Cambridge Creek Bridge, then bear to the right to Spring Street. The Courthouse is ahead on your right. Turn right on Gay Street and proceed onto Court Lane. Parking is available on side streets adjacent to the Courthouse and in the County parking lot. The County parking lot may be accessed from Court Lane or High Street.
From Points North
Get on I-95 towards International Airport. Turn right at exit 11 towards I-495/Port of Wilmington/Baltimore. At exit 3, stay on I-495. At exit 4A turn tight onto ramp towards SR-1/SR-7/Christiana Mall Road. Continue to US 13 towards SR-1/Dover/Seashore points. Continue south on US 301/US 13. Turn right at exit 136 onto ramp towards SR 299/US 13/Odessa/Middletown. Continue until you see signs for US 301 [Sr 299]. Take ramp to SR 213; turn left. At first traffic light, turn left onto US Route 50 East and continue on this route to Cambridge. Turn right onto Maryland Avenue, continue and cross over the Cambridge Creek Bridge, then bear to the right to Spring Street. The Courthouse is ahead on your right. Turn right on Gay Street and proceed onto Court Lane. Parking is available on Spring Street and High Street adjacent to the Courthouse and in the County parking lot located on Cambridge Creek. The County parking lot may be accessed from Court Lane or High Street.
To enter the Courthouse, please use the front entrance on 206 High Street. The Courthouse has an accessible ramp entrance for people with disabilities on Court Lane. Please call 410-221-8122 for access on Court Lane.