Nadine Maeser
Public Information Officer
[email protected]
Terri Charles
Asst. Public Information Officer
[email protected]
September 24, 2018
580 Taylor Avenue
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Judiciary contest promotes peacemaking through student artwork
ANNAPOLIS, Md. – The Maryland Judiciary is inviting students to help promote peacemaking with artwork for the 13th annual Conflict Resolution Day Student Bookmark Art Contest. The contest is open to Maryland students in kindergarten through eighth grade to help celebrate national Conflict Resolution Day on Thursday, Oct.18.
Students are asked to create bookmarks with the theme of resolving or preventing conflict. Topics include peer mediation, apologizing, respecting differences, starting a conversation, solving problems together, listening, tolerance, building peace, and alternatives to violence.

“We invite Maryland’s students to think about ways to resolve conflicts peacefully and to share their ideas through their art,” said Mary Ellen Barbera, Chief Judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals. “We want to encourage students to talk to each other about peacemaking and resolve disagreements without violence.”
The contest has become increasingly popular since it began in 2005. Last year, more than 1,800 students from across the state participated in the event. There were 15 winners and 48 honorable mentions.
Submissions will be judged on creativity and message. Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place in three age groups: grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. For each age group, the prize awards will be $75 for first place, $50 for second place, and $25 for third place. A selection of winning bookmark entries will be printed and distributed throughout Maryland to promote conflict resolution. The best 1,000 entries will be displayed in the Judicial College Education and Conference Center in Annapolis in December.
Winners and their families will be invited to a ceremony and reception in Annapolis on Tuesday, Dec. 11. Chief Judge Barbera will meet the winners and present the awards.
The contest is sponsored by the Maryland Judiciary’s Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO). Entries are due by Thursday, Oct. 18, which is Conflict Resolution Day. Visit MACRO’s website for more information, including a template, instructions, and delivery information.
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