Welcome to the District Court of Maryland for Washington County located in Hagerstown, MD.
The District Court hears landlord/tenant cases, replevin actions, traffic violations, criminal cases classified as misdemeanors and certain felonies, and civil cases in the amount of $30,000 or less. The District Court does not conduct jury trials.
Hon. Eric Schaffer Administrative Judge | |
Kimberly Hurd Administrative Clerk | Justin Cross Administrative Commissioner |

General Information: 240-420-4600 | Toll-Free Number (In-state only): 1-800-945-1406
TTY users call Maryland RELAY: 711

The courthouse is located at 36 W. Antietam Street, Hagerstown, MD 21740-5524. For assistance with special needs, contact the court immediately.
From the West
From the west take I 70 to I 81 north. From I 81 north or south, take Exit 6A, Route 40 east. Go to the 11th traffic light and turn right onto Potomac Street. Go one block, turn right onto Antietam Street. Go ½ block to green and white parking sign, turn right into metered parking lot. District Court is the large brick building facing Antietam Street.
From the East
From the east take I70 to Exit 32, Route 40 West. Go to the 9th traffic light, turn left onto Potomac Street. Go two blocks, turn right onto Antietam Street. Go ½ block to green and white parking sign, turn right into metered parking lot. District Court is the large brick building facing Antietam Street.
Bus Information
County Commuter Buses, Valley Mall Route

Hagerstown has two parking garages. One is located at 25 North Potomac Street, between Franklin and Washington Streets. The other is located at 25 Renaissance Way. Turn left at Antietam Street and then turn left into Renaissance Way (alley). The deck is on the left and you can exit onto Potomac Street on the third level.
The cost to park in the deck is $1.00 per hour - $8.00 per day. (After 4:00 P.M. - only $1.00).

On April 4, 2022, the Maryland Judiciary returned to normal operations exiting the
five-phased COVID-19 resumption of operations plan.