Unreported Opinions Index

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The opinions posted on this page are UNREPORTED. An unreported opinion may not be cited in any paper, brief, motion, or other document filed in this Court, or any other Maryland court, as either precedent within the rule of stare decisis or as persuasive authority. Maryland Rule 1-104.

Unreported opinions filed from May 1, 2015 to present are available through the Main Directory of Unreported Appellate Opinions. For opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015, only a reference to the decision is available. Copies of unreported opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015 are available from the Clerk's office.


Court Filed Docket File Term Judge Appellant Appellee
Court of Special Appeals 07-25-2011 1058 09 Graeff Shields Shields
Court of Special Appeals 07-25-2011 0059 10 Meredith Genesis Northrop Grumman
Court of Special Appeals 07-25-2011 1319 09 Watts Thompson Allstate
Court of Special Appeals 07-25-2011 0286 10 Zarnoch BRC Lease Audio Visual
Court of Special Appeals 07-25-2011 2189 09 Eyler, J. Smith Kim
Court of Special Appeals 07-25-2011 0005 10 Rasin Day's Camping Textrom
Court of Special Appeals 07-25-2011 0766 09 Woodward Pitt Seiss
Court of Special Appeals 07-25-2011 0522 10 Graeff Kershaw Kershaw
Court of Special Appeals 07-25-2011 0779 10 Eyler, J. Furman Prugh
Court of Special Appeals 07-22-2011 2864 09 Hotten Dimont Montgomery County
Court of Special Appeals 07-22-2011 0044 10 Watts Fischer Schlossberg
Court of Special Appeals 07-22-2011 0568 10 Eyler, D. Eade Wade
Court of Special Appeals 07-22-2011 0955 09 Kehoe Alexander Dept. of Labor
Court of Special Appeals 07-22-2011 0469 10 Graeff Dotson Dotson
Court of Special Appeals 07-22-2011 0457 10 Raker Goins, Vincent Christopher State
Court of Special Appeals 07-22-2011 0605 10 Wright Strouse Strouse
Court of Special Appeals 07-22-2011 1285 10 Hotten White, Dana Garcia State
Court of Special Appeals 07-22-2011 0479 10 Eyler, D. Mwangachuchu Sussman
Court of Special Appeals 07-21-2011 2009 07 Meredith Brice, Charles Edward State
Court of Special Appeals 07-21-2011 1623 09 Matricciani Chatman, Johnny State
Court of Special Appeals 07-21-2011 2883 09 Rodowsky Maczka, Eric Anthony State
Court of Special Appeals 07-21-2011 1629 09 Krauser Raynor, Glenn Joseph State
Court of Special Appeals 07-21-2011 2895 08 Kehoe Richardson, Charles D. IV State
Court of Special Appeals 07-21-2011 2333 09 Hotten Mitchell, Sylvester Charles State
Court of Special Appeals 07-21-2011 1627 09 Zarnoch Jackson, Toronda B. State
Court of Special Appeals 07-21-2011 1195 08 Meredith Teel, Alton State
Court of Special Appeals 07-21-2011 1941 09 Kehoe Baker, Eric State
Court of Special Appeals 07-20-2011 2873 09 Wright Smith, Deontay State
Court of Special Appeals 07-20-2011 1299 10 Raker In Re: Davon J.
Court of Special Appeals 07-20-2011 0772 09 Alpert Jackson, Damon Michael State
Court of Special Appeals 07-20-2011 0416 10 Alpert Smith, Jonathan State
Court of Special Appeals 07-20-2011 1082 09 Graeff Branch, Charles R. State
Court of Special Appeals 07-20-2011 0921 10 Matricciani Sherrod, Deon Enrique State
Court of Special Appeals 07-19-2011 0461 10 Zarnoch Hester (aka Nantambu), Steven State
Court of Special Appeals 07-19-2011 2401 08 Kehoe Cotter, Brian Matthew State
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 0049 10 Hotten DeSantis First National
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 0755 10 Meredith Talib McCormick
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 2483 09 Sharer Pack Luis Construction
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 0797 10 Graeff Dotson Dotson
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 2791 09 Zarnoch Mesbahi Board of Physicians
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 1774 08 Woodward Brooks Md. Health Insurance
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 0175 10 Zarnoch Cochran Griffith Energy
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 0763 10 Thieme Perry Dept. of Health
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 2530 09 Hotten Planning Commission Kent Island
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 0030 10 Eyler, D. Davis Social Services
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 1086 09 Kehoe Arnold Gilman
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 0630 10 Zarnoch Smith Allegany County
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 0795 10 Meredith Vollmer Chevy Chase
Court of Special Appeals 07-18-2011 2725 09 Hotten Paxton Allegany County
Court of Special Appeals 07-15-2011 2685 10 Krauser State of Maryland Hawkins, Chantal
Court of Special Appeals 07-14-2011 0454 10 Watts Vasquez, Jose State
Court of Special Appeals 07-14-2011 0272 09 Wright Townes, Michael State
Court of Special Appeals 07-14-2011 1011 08 Graeff Sanders, Oscar State
Court of Special Appeals 07-14-2011 0396 10 Raker Sealing Garrett County
Court of Special Appeals 07-14-2011 2063 09 Hotten Brown-Santos, Steven Joseph State
Court of Special Appeals 07-14-2011 2571 08 Sharer Haney, Leonard State
Court of Special Appeals 07-14-2011 0796 10 Meredith Summers MNCPPC
Court of Special Appeals 07-14-2011 2126 09 Wright Scott, Alphonso State
Court of Special Appeals 07-12-2011 2212 10 Moylan In Re: Alysha Michele L.
Court of Special Appeals 07-11-2011 1646 10 Hotten Knarr Bowling
Court of Special Appeals 07-01-2011 2851 10 Davis Herlson RTS