Unreported Opinions Index

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The opinions posted on this page are UNREPORTED. An unreported opinion may not be cited in any paper, brief, motion, or other document filed in this Court, or any other Maryland court, as either precedent within the rule of stare decisis or as persuasive authority. Maryland Rule 1-104.

Unreported opinions filed from May 1, 2015 to present are available through the Main Directory of Unreported Appellate Opinions. For opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015, only a reference to the decision is available. Copies of unreported opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015 are available from the Clerk's office.


Court Filed Docket File Term Judge Appellant Appellee
Court of Special Appeals 02-22-2011 2605 09 Raker Claros, Jose Manuel State
Court of Special Appeals 02-22-2011 1183 09 Kenney In Re: Corey M.
Court of Special Appeals 02-22-2011 2680 09 Meredith Thompson, Terrell L State
Court of Special Appeals 02-22-2011 2558 09 Raker Lewis, Brian Scott State
Court of Special Appeals 02-22-2011 0983 10 Matricciani Walker c. McDannell
Court of Special Appeals 02-22-2011 2654 09 Eyler, J. Kearney, Eric A. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-22-2011 2428 09 Raker Robins, Shawn Lee State
Court of Special Appeals 02-22-2011 2142 08 Graeff Walker, Cordell D. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-22-2011 0911 10 Wright In Re: Adoption of Charles D.
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2011 2112 09 Wright Underwood Trueman
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2011 0597 09 Graeff Santos, David A. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2011 1853 09 Eyler, J. Kyle Ocean Petroleum
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2011 0246 10 Eyler, J. Barba, John E. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2011 2263 09 Raker Murphy, Desai Sean State
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2011 0848 09 Graeff Vito, Carlos State
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2011 2571 09 Eyler, J. Pierro Hartman
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2011 0868 09 Graeff Perez-Rivera, German T. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2011 1296 10 Eyler, J. In Re: Adoption of Christopher S.
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2011 2973 08 Zarnoch Hampton, Barbara L. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2011 2887 09 Matricciani Cornblatt Meryers Construction
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2011 2357 09 Wright Thibodeau Thibodeau
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2011 0342 09 Hotten Moss, Duran Monroe State
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2011 3014 07 Woodward Suiters Nichols
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2011 0969 09 Thieme Flynn Russel Motors
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 2604 09 Clagett Waker, Calvin Montgomery State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 0626 09 Kehoe McQueen, Damien State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 2570 08 Thieme Johnson, Christopher D. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 2285 09 Graeff Burke Burke
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 2264 09 Davis Williams, Thomas Lenny State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 0256 09 Davis Dukes, Troy State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 0386 09 Alpert Wallace-Bey, Tania Renee State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 1568 09 Rodowsky Middleton Ford
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 2147 09 Davis Hill, Marcus Edward State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 2700 08 Zarnoch Moore, Michael J. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2011 2299 09 Matricciani Inner Harbour Insurance McCollum
Court of Special Appeals 02-15-2011 2485 09 Eyler, D. Daee Lucas
Court of Special Appeals 02-15-2011 2396 09 Thieme In Re: Kyle Antony S.
Court of Special Appeals 02-15-2011 2233 09 Eyler, D. Comptroller King
Court of Special Appeals 02-15-2011 0926 09 Zarnoch Myles, Merideth State
Court of Special Appeals 02-15-2011 2307 09 Eyler, J. Renner Reinhart
Court of Special Appeals 02-15-2011 2177 09 Moylan Campbell Cole
Court of Special Appeals 02-15-2011 0167 09 Kehoe Thomas, Robert Lee State
Court of Special Appeals 02-15-2011 2355 09 Kehoe Basik Melcher
Court of Special Appeals 02-15-2011 1914 09 Raker Smith, Drew Wesley State
Court of Special Appeals 02-10-2011 0618 10 Meredith In Re: Isis Y.
Court of Special Appeals 02-10-2011 0359 09 Krauser Quesenberry, Patrick L. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-10-2011 2306 09 Rodowsky Stevlas China 8
Court of Special Appeals 02-10-2011 1783 09 Matricciani Reile Montgomery County
Court of Special Appeals 02-10-2011 2007 09 Wright McGhie, Robert A. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-10-2011 2528 09 Eyler, D. Brendsel Aspen Institute
Court of Special Appeals 02-10-2011 2171 09 Woodward Mantler Mantler
Court of Special Appeals 02-10-2011 2172 09 Wright Dolan McQuaide
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2011 2749 08 Salmon Johnson State
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2011 1895 09 Salmon Hunter State
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2011 2965 08 Kenney Leach State
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2011 0891 09 Krauser Brown Williams
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2011 0583 09 Kehoe Woody State
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2011 2883 08 Kenney Harrell State
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2011 1948 09 Kehoe Dept. of Human Resources Stewart
Court of Special Appeals 02-03-2011 0860 10 Woodward Morton Jones
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2011 1172 10 Zarnoch Gillis Leslie
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2011 1001 10 Eyler, D. Ortiz Louati
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2011 0838 10 Zarnoch Gillis Leslie
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2011 2628 10 Zarnoch Gillis Leslie
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2011 1168 10 Zarnoch Gillis Leslie
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2011 1089 10 Kehoe In Re: Joshua L.