Unreported Opinions Index

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The opinions posted on this page are UNREPORTED. An unreported opinion may not be cited in any paper, brief, motion, or other document filed in this Court, or any other Maryland court, as either precedent within the rule of stare decisis or as persuasive authority. Maryland Rule 1-104.

Unreported opinions filed from May 1, 2015 to present are available through the Main Directory of Unreported Appellate Opinions. For opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015, only a reference to the decision is available. Copies of unreported opinions filed prior to May 1, 2015 are available from the Clerk's office.


Court Filed Docket File Term Judge Appellant Appellee
Court of Special Appeals 02-28-2005 1717 04 Murphy Stouffer Pearson
Court of Special Appeals 02-28-2005 1244 04 Murphy Culbertson Owens-Illinois
Court of Special Appeals 02-23-2005 1685 03 Barbera Fletcher, Richard Lamont State
Court of Special Appeals 02-23-2005 0760 04 Getty Swick Seiger
Court of Special Appeals 02-23-2005 0573 04 Davis Bessemer Trust Orphan's Court
Court of Special Appeals 02-23-2005 2132 03 Barbera Williams, Wesley Andrew State
Court of Special Appeals 02-23-2005 0042 04 Barbera Lattimer Kensington Construction
Court of Special Appeals 02-23-2005 1108 03 Hollander Pollard, Jonathan F. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-23-2005 0691 04 Adkins In Re:  Jose Z.
Court of Special Appeals 02-23-2005 0352 04 Eyler, D. Pinnix Prince George's County
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2005 0416 04 Salmon Mitchell Park Place
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2005 1764 03 Eyler, D. Greenwood Hengen
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2005 2394 03 Hollander Sirmons K&P Ridges
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2005 0882 04 Eyler, D. Fraser, Quincy R. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2005 2202 03 Getty Ford, Darien Revwell State
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2005 0251 04 Davis Divver Divver
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2005 1094 03 Getty Moore, Joseph N. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-18-2005 2311 03 Getty Davis, Jerrell M. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2005 0399 03 Kenney Stokes, Daryl K. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2005 0247 04 Bloom Frederick Precast Baumgardner
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2005 1805 03 Sonner Sabbat, Frantz L. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2005 0594 04 Meredith Jones Maryland Reception
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2005 0016 03 Davis Riley United Services
Court of Special Appeals 02-17-2005 0710 04 Salmon Balram, Somal Kevin State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2005 2873 03 Eyler, J. Moulden, Joseph Carlton State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2005 1176 03 Meredith Taylor, Michael Quinton State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2005 0278 04 Hollander Henson MVA
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2005 0919 03 Eyler, J. Gerlach, Randall Henry State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2005 0085 04 Alpert Davitt Loysen
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2005 1647 04 Rodowsky State Anthony Jose Robertson
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2005 2305 03 Eyler, J. Crothers, Troy Joseph State
Court of Special Appeals 02-16-2005 0733 04 Eyler, J. Brookfield Tyler
Court of Special Appeals 02-14-2005 2409 03 Davis Savage, Muhamed Yunusa State
Court of Special Appeals 02-14-2005 1953 03 Bloom Mileski, Raymond State
Court of Special Appeals 02-14-2005 0045 04 Meredith Wallace Baltimore
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2005 0094 04 Salmon Cabral, Victor A. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2005 0557 03 Barbera Smith, Olando M. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2005 2539 03 Barbera Carter, Malik State
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2005 1743 03 Sharer Chaney, Berry Lee Jr. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2005 0365 04 Meredith DavCo Wall
Court of Special Appeals 02-09-2005 1815 03 Sharer Johnson, Martin Q. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-08-2005 0274 03 Murphy Parks Donegal Mutual
Court of Special Appeals 02-08-2005 1182 04 Moylan In Re:  Mia M.
Court of Special Appeals 02-08-2005 1892 98 Murphy Sampson, Donna Lynn State
Court of Special Appeals 02-08-2005 0847 03 Murphy Iler Iler
Court of Special Appeals 02-08-2005 0445 04 Murphy Costley DHR
Court of Special Appeals 02-08-2005 0143 03 Murphy Curtin Korn
Court of Special Appeals 02-08-2005 1246 03 Murphy King Fragala
Court of Special Appeals 02-07-2005 2980 02 Hollander Early, Martin A. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-07-2005 2329 03 Sonner Brissett, Andrew State
Court of Special Appeals 02-07-2005 0450 03 Hollander Munado, Neil M. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-07-2005 2736 03 Barbera Thompson, Clifton J. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-07-2005 1676 03 Hollander Owings Foote
Court of Special Appeals 02-04-2005 0590 04 Eyler, D. Kumar GEICO
Court of Special Appeals 02-04-2005 0461 02 Thieme Freeman Bay Village
Court of Special Appeals 02-04-2005 2780 03 Kenney Earl, Robert Scott State
Court of Special Appeals 02-04-2005 0522 04 Bloom Dapp ACands
Court of Special Appeals 02-04-2005 0459 02 Krauser In Re: Adoption of Trent B.
Court of Special Appeals 02-04-2005 2799 03 Krauser Goldberg Baltimore
Court of Special Appeals 02-04-2005 0698 04 Murphy In Re: Adoption of Chas M.
Court of Special Appeals 02-04-2005 2323 03 Adkins Edwards, Charles State
Court of Special Appeals 02-03-2005 1573 03 Adkins Atlantic East Harbor
Court of Special Appeals 02-03-2005 1469 03 Krauser Robinson, Kenneth B. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-03-2005 3076 02 Sharer Basit, Malik J. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-03-2005 1468 03 Adkins Barnhill, Reggie M. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-03-2005 2173 03 Meredith Dessaso Cardinal McCarrick
Court of Special Appeals 02-03-2005 1394 03 Eyler, J. Cook, Kenneth State
Court of Special Appeals 02-03-2005 2560 02 Sharer Artisan Printing Abner
Court of Special Appeals 02-02-2005 2125 03 Hollander Washington, Paula Y. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-02-2005 0115 04 Salmon Stinebaugh Chodak
Court of Special Appeals 02-02-2005 1978 03 Salmon Creager Social Services
Court of Special Appeals 02-02-2005 2171 03 Meredith Haregot Ghezai
Court of Special Appeals 02-02-2005 0504 03 Salmon Callanan Callanan
Court of Special Appeals 02-02-2005 0465 04 Hollander DeMason, James J. State
Court of Special Appeals 02-02-2005 2105 03 Sonner Gordon, Thomas J. III State
Court of Special Appeals 02-02-2005 0112 04 Meredith Williams Montgomery County
Court of Special Appeals 02-02-2005 1002 03 Wenner Zelones Herald Harbor
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2005 0363 04 Davis DGS v Juice Company
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2005 0408 04 Krauser Hildebrandt Guilford Avenue
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2005 0349 04 Sharer Covey Kurtz
Court of Special Appeals 02-01-2005 0543 04 Moylan Pardo Savoy